Tropes of 'the Good Girl' and others

I’ve been thinking lately about certain scenarios that really twist my mind into such pleasurable modes, why is that?

Tropes shape our understandings of ourselves, we, seeking to understand and define our identities. My fascination particularly stems from how they play out with us in the erotic sense. The trope of the good student / play-thing / inappropriate relative roleplay (yes, often highly taboo things) evidently provides me with a pattern i’ve related to and adopt as part of my self-perception. Apparently this goes with finding a sense of meaningfulness, even belonging, in playful senses, due to ‘the good student’s expectations, roles, strengths, weaknesses etc.

What do these roles i’m often playing the part of have in common? i seemingly revel in the connotations of innocence, purity, perhaps i don’t necessarily feel myself as these things but find it fun to suspend reality a bit. Hell, my self-esteem gets a boost from it. I recognize that what i’m up to is fictional, and the minute the sex is over so is the story and i go back to Eve, the individual.

I know it’s not my own limiting my view of myself, as what is maybe clear on meeting me, often i am anything but submissive. A narrative being of course just a fantasy.

She contains multitudes

The same goes for my partners, too. Human beings are not one-dimensional characters. we possess a range of traits, strengths, vulnerabilities.. of which kink lets us explore in a totally fun, uninhibited, safe way, ultimately allowing for self-acceptance (how nice) and as i believe, even a dash of personal growth


A Case for Casual


Letizia + Eve: Forays into kink